
Finance Help

Buyer beware the bargains

By Finance Help, Investing In Property

Limited cash flow and equity mean many first-time property investors feel the need to chase down a bargain to enter the market. But, like most things in life, you usually get what you pay for, which – in the case of property – can mean unrealised returns or even losses. While there’s nothing wrong with paying less in the hope of making more, investors need to understand when a cheap property is truly a bargain and when they could be selling (or rather buying) themselves short.

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Village life

By Finance Help, News

For many Australians retirement is an opportunity to down-size their homes and simplify their lives. For more than 138,000 retirees*, that means opting for life in a retirement village.

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Super savings

By Finance Help, News

In March this year Australian workers had more than $1.8 trillion stored away in superannuation funds, in part thanks to a system that generally requires employers to pay a contribution on employees’ behalf. From July 1, this required employer contribution jumped .25% to 9.5%.*
For many wage and salary earners who benefit from these compulsory super contributions, super is often something they think about once a year when their statement arrives in the mail. But we could all benefit from paying more attention to what are essentially our future funds.
According to MoneySmart Week, a not-for-profit movement set up to boost our financial literacy, one of the best ways to get a better handle on your superannuation is to consolidate your super accounts. We’re part of a group that is proud to be a key supporter of MoneySmart Week (September 1-7) set up to encourage Australians to take simple steps to make their money work harder and go further, now and well into the future. Here’s our guide to building a better financial future by consolidating your super funds.

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It’ll be right – won’t it?

By Finance Help, News

More than 80 per cent of Australians have insurance for their car but fewer than one third of us have income protection insurance1 to protect our livelihoods should the worst happen. While the odds of a bingle are higher – once every seven years on average – being waylaid by injury or sickness for a lengthy period is not as unlikely as you may think. In fact, a staggering 60 per cent of Australians will be off work due to serious injury or sickness for more than a month at least once in their working lives, according to a 2012 Rice Warner report on underinsurance.

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Time to take cover

By Finance Help

Summer once again highlighted the extremities of our harsh Australian weather. In addition to Dorothea Mackellar’s “droughts and flooding rains”, communities too often contend with bushfires, cyclones and severe storms; stark reminders of the need for adequate home insurance cover.

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