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By Finance Help

For most households July 1 dawns with barely a cross on the calendar. But just as January 1 prompts many of us to take a pulse check on our health and resolve to do better, the new financial year is the perfect time to take stock of our fiscal fitness.

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Positive spin on credit reports

By Finance Help, News

Up until a year ago credit reports for individuals in Australia worked on the basis that good news was no news. In other words, credit reporting only looked at the negatives, highlighting financial failings – such as defaults on loans and bankruptcies – without any acknowledgment of fiscal achievements.

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RBA Announcement – April 2015

By News

The Reserve Bank of Australia has today decided to leave the official cash rate unchanged at 2.25%. The Reserve Bank has previously expressed concerns around unemployment and growth rates in the economy, a factor it will no doubt be keeping a close eye on in future months. Even though the…

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